Wednesday, March 12, 2008

SPM results

12 Mac 2008, Time=9.30am, that's the time i went to my old school which is SMJK Katholik. all ex-students were suppose to come there at 10am to receive their results but in the end, some ppl said they will distribute it at 11.30am. so i went to my friends to join them at Kanna Curry House. every1 was sitting there 'yam cha', talk crab, jokes n so on. we all went back to the school at 10.30am to see if any1 were present. by the time we reach there, wechat with our frens who just came back from NS. realli miss them a lot. at 11 am, almost the SPM leavers were there. by the time it was 11.30am, ANOTHER said it's been delayed till 12pm. i was like F@#K. i mean, how can they expect us to wait for a few more minutes. at 12.10pm, finally all of us went to the school hall and queue up into our respective class line. then every1 was shouting n screaming to their former class teachers. after a short brief abt the percentage of ppl who pass each subject, it was time to receive the result. the girls were screaming. and my results got 3 A1's for the most important subject: English, Mathematics and Science. i was overjoyed and happy with coz this is my hardwork been paid off.
After that, some frens n i went to A&Wto celebrate our hardwork n for lunch.then, it's time to say goodbye wish thatwe will see each other again some time.
After some sleep, my parents went to a restaurant to celebrate my results and drinking tea. XD. n that end my article here. the end.

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